Saturday, September 27, 2008

Keep An Eye Out For More Curtains

I got another shipment of curtains in the mail from my wonderful grandmother and she has outdone herself!!  I am not going to give them away just yet but when the time comes I will post pictures of them.  I already told my kids all about them and I also made it into a game.  I told them that new curtains would be coming soon and if when I put them up they notice and secretly tell me, they will get a treat!  It should be fun and then the fun curtains will not go unnoticed!!


carolyn said...

Your Mom told us about the curtains last night at break the fast!! We miss you at our dinners. I can't wait to see the pictures. You have an awesome Grandma!!

Walnut said...

holy cow. elementary school age is way more fun. i mean none of my college professors EVER put up new curtains. lame