Saturday, October 11, 2008

Picture Day Blues

Well Thursday was picture day at Sego Lily Elementary.  I had sent home fliers a week earlier to remind the parents to have their kids looking spiffy for the big day, but who's job was it to remind me??  Since I was left to fend for myself, i completely forgot.  The only thing that saved me was that it was also parent-teacher conference night and I couldn't show up to work looking like a total bum.  I went down to the cafeteria and smiled big for my 1st school picture as an adult.  And I will have you all know that as a teacher you get a free jumbo package of pictures.  WooHoo!  Since I have no kids that attend the school, the jumbo pack of pictures will all be of yours truly.  You can all expect your very own picture of me in the mail shortly! :)

1 comment:

carolyn said...

I want one!! I can add it to my picture wall at work!! and of course Grandma needs one for her picture board, we were just looking at it last night and saying she needs new pictures.