Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bridal Shower Numero Uno:)

So excited to get to my bridal shower!!!

We were taking all kinds of pictures before the shower and I was getting tired of smiling. however, I had a whole night of smiling ahead of me:)
This is my cute cousin Eden. Her Mom the soon to be only Sarah Roskelley picked out the cute mason jars and lids for the lemonade.

In true Sara fashion, we had ice cream sundaes as the food for the shower.

Mmm Mmm.... GOOD!

Opening presents was my favorite part. Oh besides seeing all my family:)
Thanks everyone!!!

This was an awesome present made by my Aunt Carolyn and my cousins Petra, Katie, and Allie. It was a recipe book with all the Roskelley secrets complete with cute pictures of the food and those in the family who make it.

After the presents had all been opened, I flitted around to all the different groups talking and took a picture with them. This way I can remember who came.

To sum it up, my bridal shower was GREAT! I got to see a lot of people while I am in town, eat some good food, and open a lot of presents that Gary and I will love to have in our new home. Thanks again to everyone who came. I am looking forward to the bridal shower with the Utah folk when I get back.


carolyn said...

I am so glad you liked it. Petra did so much of the work, we loved you were here long enough for us to do the shower!! Yeah, you got good stuff!!
We have more recipes, we just ran out of time!!

Roskelley Ramblings said...

It looks like it was so much fun. My girls and I will be attending the Utah shower - see you then. Love, Aunt Linda

Jani said...

That looks so fun. Ah I love showers. You look really pretty and HAPPY. I am so excited for you.